Watch and see....
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
16 weeks and counting...

It was a cramped day with house hunting for several hours, going to a few baby stores to get a feel for what we'd like on our registry, and then browsing the internet all night in search of the perfect baby bedding... sigh. I haven't thought much yet about the nursery, as we will most likely be moving out of this little apartment before baby Herrington comes along. I will miss this place, something about it has felt like home from the first day we moved in, It holds so many memories, I'll have to lock up in my heart so I'll never forget.
Today while trying to figure out how in the world to fold up the stroller that's supposed to be incredibly easy, I had an epiphany. Holy crap! There would soon be a little one in this stroller, a little one that WE will be responsible for. It hit me, and I stood in the stroller isle with a freaked out look and tears in my eyes as David was still trying to figure out the crazy stroller! Sometimes I don't think I really understand at all what is to come.
This week I am 16 weeks pregnant. Or 4 months. Wow, seems all the fun is starting now, and besides my few mornings sick in the past few weeks, I'm actually feeling pretty great lately. Not really having too many cravings, still lots of aversions though... Only weird thing I can think of is that I cant drink enough water, I keep a glass by my side all day, all night, and when I don't get up to drink it, I dream about it, flowing water with lemon squeezed in and I inevitably wake up so thirsty I down a whole glass! (which by the way has just been wonderful for my late night trips to the potty).
Feeling nudges here and there but cant wait to KNOW without a doubt it's baby and not just a LOT of gas or my heart somehow beating in my tummy (which is what it feels like sometimes).. THE most exciting thing though, in 48 hours I will know a little more about this little stranger inside of me... I'll blog again to reveal the sex of the baby... Stay tuned...... No idea who's even reading this, but stay tuned!
I'm attaching a picture of my belly at 15.5 weeks.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The first trimester-
Blogging on my lunch break :)
I thought I'd record a bit of what's been happening lately with me and my body, as well as other life changes that seem to be occurring all around us these days.
I am now in my 14th week of pregnancy, and the bump that is my belly seems to look a little more like a baby and a little less like I ate a whole lot. (Some of you are probably thinking "it still looks like you ate a lot" but that's ok.) I am thankful to be becoming more of a chubby kid if it means this baby is growing and healthy.
This morning something amazing happened, we were in a staff meeting and I felt a little nudge from within. I haven't felt it since, but I think a momma knows, and that wasn't just gas. It was pretty awesome, I'm kinda glad I drank a huge glass of OJ and got the baby on a sugar high, it was worth it to feel that little prod.
The first trimester of this pregnancy has been a bit insane. I felt most of the time like I had my emotions under control, but good friends were there to tell me when I was being a crazy woman :) I was very sick every day, throwing up most days. The house was most of the time in shambles and my poor husband kept up mostly everything including grocery shopping and meals since I couldn't bear to smell certain foods. The past week or 2 though I've felt totally different. Not 100% but definitely feeling more like myself everyday.
David has just accepted a new job. He's so wonderful that 4 different companies were all dying to have him, which ended up working out great for him to have options and companies kept leveraging thier offers which we were not complaining about! House hunting has taken a new level of seriousness in the past month or so we'll see what God does with that!
We have another ultrasound a week from today, I'm hoping the Dr. might be able to take an educated guess on the sex of the baby. I'll post pictures next week :) Yay for celebration Midwest which was a BLAST this year, and another YAY for a family renunion and camping trip with my side this weekend.
Keep on keepin' on.. Here's baby at 10 weeks.
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