
Monday, September 27, 2010

Getting a peek of your sweet face

2 weeks ago I had a follow-up ultrasound to measure the baby's heart, which turned out to be just fine. After the ultrasound, the tech could see I was pretty uncomfortable, and I had been waiting a while to get in, so after the 45 minutes of taking picture after picture, she said, "ok lets try to take some fun ones"- and turned the machine to 3D! I was a little freaked out at first to see her face in 3D, I've always been scared of 3D ultrasounds because they can sometimes look a little scary, but sure enough she found her face, and there she was, hand up to her little mouth. She had lots of hair, and long eyelashes (you can see in the picture)..It was hard to make out at first, but she looked so peaceful in there, which made me feel like a good mommy already because she is obviously very cozy inside of me! I'm attaching a picture of her sweet face at 27 weeks- can't wait to see it in person.

Just 5 days from moving now, and my first baby shower is this weekend. Lots to look forward to, and lots to do.. Aching back and hips are making that a little tricky, but it will all be very worth it in the end. So many different changes in my life right now, some very exciting, some scary, and some sad.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance."

-wonder if it's ok to weep while you dance? :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A strong baby- 26 weeks

WOW- This little lady is getting strong! Lately I've felt as if a rib might pop out with her kicks. My stomach will sometimes distort now, its crazy to watch, and even crazier that she will (before we know it) be in my arms and not in my belly. So many moments to cherish. I thought I'd write down some of my symptoms at this stage so I can remember with my later pregnancies and compare.

Stuffy nose- all the time, and I've become a great fan of breathe-right strips, on a side note, it is incredibly sexy I'm sure for David for me to have them on my nose every night, but he's never said a word. good man.

Lots of heartburn- All hail Tums. A glass of milk seems to do wonders as well.

Swelling extremedies- wedding ring came off last week. And some days my toes look like sausages. Amie Fox and I had a great laugh last week looking at them.

Tooty Fruity- needs no explanation.

Hip and back pain- to the max. I happen to already have some problems with my bones due to my Crohn's disease, so carrying out front has not helped much. What has helped is having a Physical Therapist for a husband that gives me back rubs with the drop of a hat, and a new discovery, the exercise ball! Scares the poo out of poor Libby whenever I get it out, but sure does help my hips. Can't help but quote the office whenever I'm on it. hehe

David and I bought a house this week. We are under contract, so as long as inspections, appraisal, etc go smoothly, we should be all moved in by the end of the month! God kind of placed it in our path so that we would have to deliberately side-step it in choosing to pass it up, and some other things happened that made it sort of obvious that this was the right step for us to take. God has a funny way of doing things sometimes, just when we stop looking he puts something in our path and a peace in our hearts we can't deny. What an amazing God. And A LOT of change happening, including saying goodbye all too soon to my amazing friend Amie Fox. Thank goodness for facebook and skype, I can hold her close to my heart even as she moves on to what God has for her.

MEH! Time to go pack a few boxes, who knew I'd be moving when I am 30 weeks pregnant! Wahhh!

Attaching 26 week belly picture