I'm in such an interesting time of my life being a stay at home mom of a one year old. In some ways I feel like it will be easier to have more children, as I am alone a lot of my days right now, and learning about every new stage as I go. Lately I've noticed that Claire is really needing relational/play time with other children. She's become so social, and not having a car in these past 8 months has really been a hard deal for the both of us. I think God really has me in a season of being ok with being still, and trusting him through the unknowns. I'm learning something, I hope!
Most of my days now are filled with housework, play time with Claire, and cooking elaborate meals. I've found cooking to be a fun creative outlet for me, although when it warms up more I think I might start painting again. I've had a major artistic itch that I cant seem to scratch lately.
Claire is at such a fun age right now. I think I've said that every step along the way as I've enjoyed each stage that she's gone through and not wanted her to leave it. And then she does grow, and I find the next stage just as fun!
Claire is going to be 15 months old next week! She is saying a lot of words, including: mama, dada, night night, bye-bye, all done, here, nose, I love you, wow, uh-oh, No, and a few more. She is still not quite walking but cruising along everything and walking with her push toys. She loves to be silly, she fake laughs and likes to smile, dance, and be with other children.
Lately, when praying for her I've felt like God has begun to speak to me about her little heart and character, that she will often be a light in a dark place, that her joy will radiate and light up those around her. It's amazing that I can already see bits of this word come to life for her. She absolutely lights up our life, and I don't think David and I could be more thankful for her. I've especially noticed she loves being alone with her daddy and me. We have instituted a "Monday night family night" and I think the three of us all feel very refreshed by that time protected together.
We've encountered our first real discipline in the past month or so. In our prayers lately we've been really asking God to give us wisdom in disciplining her. It's so much easier NOT to be consistent, and so hard at times not to just laugh at her when she points to me and said "NO" which sounds more like "MO" at the moment. But in all things we do we are seeking to glorify God, and our parenting is not excluded from that. So, we are learning and humbling ourselves. This is an area I'd love more prayer in if anyone out there is reading this :) So for now we are being consistent, disciplining when its easier not to, and giggling when we are alone after we've put her to bed at her obvious disobedience and sass. We've got our hands full, that is for sure! But, it is such a joy to be a part of shaping a little life! Well, that's all for now. Here's a picture of our little family!